CRYSTAL EXPRESS LIMITED (CEL) was established in 1999, with its corporate office situated in Dhaka and a branch office in the bustling port city of Chittagong. With a team of over 65 skilled and professional personnel, CEL stands as one of the largest and most devoted international freight forwarding companies in Bangladesh.

At CEL, we take pride in being a quick solution provider, guiding our clients seamlessly from initial contact to completing their projects. Committed to excellence, we prioritize delivering the highest quality services at all times.

Our clientele represents a diverse spectrum of industries, each united by a common requirement—reliability. Whether it’s the conception of a plan or the execution of a complex job, CEL is dedicated to providing unwavering reliability to meet and exceed the expectations of our valued customers.

As a forward-thinking company, we understand the dynamic nature of international logistics and tailor our services to navigate the complexities of the global market. With a customer-centric approach, CEL remains a trusted partner, ensuring the smooth and efficient movement of goods across borders.